7 Keys To A Successful To-Do List

I have mentioned the tremendous value of a to-do list throughout my year-plus time running this blog. However, I have never made a dedicated post strictly talking about ONLY to-do lists.
I mention the value of a to-do list here.
And I talked about why to-do lists are superior to calendars.
Both highlight some of the great uses a to-do list can have. However, there’s more that goes into creating, managing, and utilizing your to-do list.
Here are 7 keys you need to know in order to successfully incorporate your to-do list into your everyday routine and become a more productive person:
1) Plan ahead
If you have a busy week ahead, you can write out your to-do list as early as the week before. Put down all the important meetings, appointments, and tasks you will have.
Or you can write your to-do list the night before, mentioning everything that needs to be accomplished tomorrow.
Whether it is one week before or the night before – make sure to write your to-do list in advance.
2) In the beginning add everything
You can leave out the things you already do on a daily basis like brush your teeth or drive to work since these things are already second nature. And as time goes on, more stuff will become second nature and you won’t need to include it. For now though, your best bet is to write everything down. Especially new habits.
When I first started meditating, I wrote on my to-do list “Meditate 10 minutes” EVERY DAY. I knew I could meditate for more than 10 minutes if I wanted to but this way I was committed to at least 10 minutes of meditation. As time went on, I did not need to write it down on my to-do list anymore as it became second nature.
However, if I miss a few days of meditation then I will add it to my to-do list again to get back into that rhythm.
3) Check your to-do list constantly
I’m talking at least every hour.
Don’t obsess over it, but you have everything you need to get done on there so there is no reason not to be checking it regularly. If you forget will end up not being able to check everything off and feel discouraged.
4) Be realistic about your to-do list
Not being able to check off everything on your list leads to the next key in a successful to-do list…be realistic! Don’t add 1,000,000 tasks to your list when you know deep down you cannot get everything done in one day.
Writing down everything you need to get done is great, but make sure to split it up between however many days needed to ensure that you can accomplish and check off everything. Or check key #7 for another way to organize your extra tasks.
5) Highlight your 3 most important tasks for the day
Some days will be hectic and no matter how hard you try, you still won’t be able to get everything on your to-do list done. And that’s totally fine.
Each day highlight or bold the 3 most important tasks on your to-do list that you absolutely need to accomplish. Think of it this way:
If I only had enough time to accomplish 3 things today, which 3 would they be?
Make sure you get those three done, even if nothing else can be accomplished on that day. That is a win!
6) Add time constraints only when necessary
One of the many reasons that I prefer to-do lists over cramming tasks onto a calendar is the flexibility.
For example, if you put “exercise” on a to-do list, you have the flexibility to work out during the morning or night – as long as you have the discipline to know you will actually do it.
If you want to add “exercise” to a calendar you are limited to a specific time slot. And if you go over that blocked amount of time, you mess up your entire day’s schedule.
So, only add time slots when absolutely necessary, like for meetings or a scheduled lunch with a friend.
For everything else, keep it flexible.
7) Add a “future” section to your to-do list
The “future” section essentially consists of the things that you need to get done, just not today. Maybe not even this week. These are important things that are necessary but can wait.
It’s great to write these tasks down, but make sure you look at them frequently, so you don’t forget them! Then, find realistic times to accomplish them on days when you are less busy.
There you have it. These were 7 keys to successfully using a to-do list. Which of these resonated the most with you? Did I forget anything that could be helpful? Please let me know in the comments or at eric@ericgolban.com!
Being realistic about my to-do list has definitely helped me so much. I would always have a list of unrealistic expectations and nothing would ever get done. lol!
I think that is part of the growing pains of having a successful to-do list. We’ve all been there where we add too many tasks and end up being overwhelmed and getting nothing done. I am glad your to-do list is much more realistic now!
This is my daily struggle! Be realistic about your to-do list – that is something I have to work on. I add so many things to my list that I get pretty overwhelmed!
The first step is realizing that you are doing it, so you are already ahead of the game. Every time you get the urge to add too many things just remember that it will make you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and look at it from a more realistic perspective. Good luck!