Act Like The Person You Want to Become
You’ve probably heard the famous saying, “fake it till you make it”. There has been a lot of debate over the past few years if this is actually solid advice. Let me tell you why I think it is. This gives you an opportunity to act like the person you want to become, not necessarily the person you are right now.
Furthermore, we tend to put ourselves in a box based on other people’s opinions of who we are. Has anyone ever told you that you are shy, only for you to find yourself acting like their opinion and becoming immensely shy? The person you are, or the person you think you are, was more than likely created by others limiting beliefs about you that have been projected onto you. This is all the more reason to break this mold and start acting like the person you want to be!

Be The Best Version of Yourself
Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.
The first time I heard this, I thought it was great advice! After all, people will judge you right away based on your first impression before you even speak a single word to them. Dressing for the job you want immediately puts an image in their mind of who you are presenting yourself as. And in an image is worth a thousand words.
But Eric, shouldn’t we all be ourselves?
Yes! Absolutely! You should not try to be somebody you aren’t. So, let me explain as I realize my two points might sound contradictory:
Don’t try to be somebody you aren’t. If you are a free-spirited artist, don’t try to be a corporate businessman in a three-piece suit. It won’t feel natural, it isn’t you, and you will be depriving the world of your real and valuable self.
In fact, I am saying the opposite. You should strive to be that free-spirited artist. Especially if you are currently that businessman in the three-piece suit. Be the person that you really want to become.
Basically what I am trying to say is this:
The person you want to become is the best version of yourself.
Just like self-improvement, becoming the best version of yourself is a never-ending goal. There is no finish line. You can always strive to be better, kinder, more accomplished, etc. Each and every day you can be the best version of yourself.
“If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don’t want to be.” –Dale Carnegie
Is Change Bad?
I know what many of you are possibly thinking:
Eric, I don’t want to change myself. In fact, I shouldn’t have to change myself!
Ahh, change. Such a simple yet powerful word.
Have you ever gotten into an argument with a once close friend, and clearly trying to insult you they yell out:
“You changed!”
They mean you changed for the worse. That you are not the same person that they used to know. Maybe you have even said this to or about a friend or colleague that you drifted apart from. However, I am of the belief that change is good. In fact, change is not only good but also necessary!
Without change there is no growth.
You need change to evolve and to become the best version of yourself!
You need change to challenge yourself, learn new skills, meet new people, and discover new things about yourself and the world.
Today is the best time to start acting like the person you want to become. Imagine the very best version of yourself. Is that person in great shape? Charitable? Always smiling? Whatever it may be, go out today and strive to be that person one small step at a time.