
Immediately Stop Doing These 7 Things to Improve Your Life

We all have things that we are currently doing either consciously or unconsciously that can have a negative impact and be a detriment to our overall happiness and quality of life. Below are 7 of the most popular things that many of us do that have no positive impact on our life. If you stop…


Being Confident In Who You Are vs. Improving Yourself

There are two popular thoughts in the realm of self-improvement that I consistently hear. Initially, the two ideas sound contradicting to each other. Both are great points on their own, but I have struggled in the past to see how they can be true at the same time: Be (confident as) yourself Work towards improving…

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How to Deal with Immaturity

Immaturity The older I get, the more difficult I find it is to deal with immature people. Close relationships with immature people can hurt your quality of life as they are usually unreliable and self-centered. Furthermore, it can be difficult and exhausting to deal with these types of people for long periods of time, and…


What is the Main Factor Driving The Decisions You Make?

Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, “Why do I make certain decisions?” After all, our lives are just one decision that we make after another which eventually leads us to where we are today. Some choices are small and don’t take much thought such as should I brush my teeth (Spoiler alert: you…


Career Advice: 1 Sure-Fire Way to Figure Out What You’re Good At

Some people go through their entire life never figuring out what they’re really good at. Over 60% of the population are unhappy in their work, which is an alarmingly high number. Work is where we end up spending most of our time and realistically most of our life. To be at a job that makes…


Top 5 Desirable Qualities To Be A Great Friend

Having even just one good friend in this world can make all the difference. Even more, being that good friend is an amazing thing you can do to help others and to feel better about yourself. Becoming the best version of yourself includes positively impacting others and one way to do that is by being…


Why We Compare: The Reasons, Dangers and Solutions

We as people love comparisons. Unfortunately, we do it all the time without considering if comparing is actually beneficial for us. There are certain situations where comparisons can be useful. However, the danger arises when you start comparing yourself to others. How many times have you seen someone in passing or on TV and said…