3 Simple Tricks to Make Yourself Happy Immediately

Don’t Worry, Be Happy
We all strive for happiness.
It’s human nature to want to be happy. In fact, achieving happiness is one of the most important things a person can do. Happiness is the only way to truly get the most out of life.
“A happy man lives a more fulfilled life than a rich, sad man.”
Of course, just like anything worth doing there is no shortcut to happiness. True happiness takes a lot of soul searching. This includes, but is not limited to, learning who you are, forgiving yourself for any past mistakes, believing you are worthy of happiness, as well as taking a lot of other steps to reach that point. However, there are some tricks you can implement into your life that will immediately boost and improve your overall happiness. These tricks will not be a magical fix, but they are scientifically proven to make you a happier person. I have used these tricks myself and can tell you from firsthand experience that they do work. They are:
“Happiness is not so black and white, it is all the colors in between.”
#1: Help Others
It might be a strange thought, but helping others actually makes us happier people. You would think that it would be the other way around. Nope. When we help somebody in need, we feel much better afterward. Researchers call this phenonium: “Helpers High.” The concept that helping and doing acts of kindness for others will make us happier people. This article talks more about helpers high and the benefits that doing charitable deeds has on us.
So, buy a sandwich for a homeless man, give your waiter a big tip, or help an old lady get something from the top shelf at the grocery store. It doesn’t matter how big or how small the task is. Just helping others will make you happier. Not to mention the added bonus the person you are helping will get out of it!
#2: Smile More
Smiling can actually trick your brain into thinking you’re happy. Weird, right?
The same holds true for even a fake smile. That’s right. Your brain can’t tell the difference between a real and fake smile. So, even if you’re down in the dumps and have nothing to actually be happy about, a fake smile will in turn make you happier. Even if you are not feeling upset, but just feeling indifferent, still smile. There is science behind this, but all you need to know is to force yourself to smile regardless of how you are feeling. If you keep doing it, eventually it will become second nature.
I remind myself to smile all the time, especially when I am alone. I will wear the biggest smile when I am driving or walking my dog. Heck, I am smiling like a fool while I am writing this just because I know the benefits of smiling for no reason!
Smile when you’re happy. But even more so, smile when you are feeling upset, overwhelmed, indifferent, or anxious.
#3: Make Time for Yourself
Our lives can often be very hectic, and we don’t make enough time for ourselves. We often tend to over-extend ourselves with work, our relationships, hobbies, and other commitments. However, you should also make a commitment to yourself and set aside time for self-care and self-love.
This can be taking the time to go for a relaxing massage once a week. Or it can be setting aside time to be alone and curl up with a good book or movie. Anything that helps you to decompress from society and reality for a little bit. After all, a day of rest to recharge our batteries is extremely important for ourselves and our future productivity.
Personally, I like to go for drives alone. I find driving around with no destination very relaxing and soothing (and of course I smile while I am doing this). Find whatever you enjoy and works for you and make time to do it.
A common excuse is that there is no time to do this, but we all know deep down that is not true. Many experts recommend putting time on your calendar or to-do list in advance to block off that timeframe for a “meeting with yourself” and make it an occurring event. Treat it just as if it was an important work meeting, meeting with a client, or any other obligation you have. This is an obligation to yourself!