3 Ways to Make Your Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving is one of the most magical times of the year. The weather is changing, the food is amazing, and sports are on TV. I personally love Thanksgiving because it is for many people the only time of year that they are thankful and grateful for everything good in their life.
Whether or not you get to spend time with loved ones or eat a Thanksgiving feast, there are still ways you can make this Thanksgiving a memorable and impactful one. Here’s how:
1) Practice Gratitude
AKA Be Thankful. Studies from Harvard have shown that giving thanks can make us happier. So, use Thanksgiving to take a step back and be grateful for everything that you have.
But don’t stop there. I challenge you to practice gratitude every day. Take one minute each day to write down 3 things that you are grateful for. They can be small or big. You can be grateful for:
- that extra hour of sleep you got.
- your job.
- something amazing that happened to you the day before.
- a specific person being in your life.
- your pet.
- being able to buy a gift for yourself or for someone else.
The list goes on and on. Whatever it is, write it down. Practicing gratitude will help you be more appreciative and prevent you from taking things for granted.
2) Volunteer
Unfortunately, not every family can afford to have a big Thanksgiving meal or visit family. This can be hard on some people. However, if you are able to, you can volunteer and help families in need during the holidays.
This can be an exceptionally good idea for somebody who doesn’t have Thanksgiving plans. Getting out of the house and doing a good deed will make you feel better and more fulfilled, and is a great use of your time during the holidays.
This year I will be volunteering with Operation Turkey. While this organization is not available in every area, I urge you to google “volunteer opportunities near me”. Even if you miss volunteering on Thanksgiving Day, you can still find other great times to volunteer and help make an impact.
If you do not have the time to go out and volunteer, consider making a donation. A $10 donation can feed a family of 4 on Thanksgiving.
3) Reflect
Reflect on how your year has gone so far. With the end of the year approaching soon, now is the best time to ask yourself:
- Am I satisfied with how everything turned out?
- Is there anything I wish I could change?
- What will I change that is within my control?
- How are my goals coming along?
- What are my long-term goals and what do I need to do to achieve them?
You can also reflect with your family and loved ones. Take the time to reflect on all the good that happened this year. Think back about all the positive things, the accomplishments, and the times that you laughed together. Make reflecting an encouraging event that leads you into the new year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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