Time Is The Most Valuable Asset You Have

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, time is the most valuable asset you have.
It is more valuable than money. You can always make more money. It is more valuable than any materialistic possession, even a home or a car. There will always be a bigger home or a faster car. Those things are all replaceable. Time is not. You can never get it back once you lose it.
That’s the theme here, once you spend money, you can always earn more. Once you spend time, it’s gone forever. Still, the way you choose to spend it is completely up to you. That’s the good news; you have that freedom. You can spend it doing hobbies you enjoy, learning, reading, meditating, writing, etc. Or you can spend it watching TV, lying in bed all day, partying or drinking.
I actually am a strong believer that the latter options do have their place in life in moderation, after all, we’re all human and we need to decompress sometimes. However, the former is what you want to aim for. Spending your time doing things that will help you grow into the best version of yourself will lead you to the pathway of success…to your definition of success.
Don’t Waste Your Own Time

Whatever you do, make sure that you are spending your time wisely! When I say this, I don’t mean spend every second of every day doing self-improvement. I know, shocking coming from a self-improvement blog. I mean to have balance in your life!
Yes, you should focus on self-improvement. But that should only be one piece of the pie. To have a complete and balanced life, make time for:
reading, learning new things, meditating. All that good stuff. This will keep your mind sharp and help you in so many aspects in life. You will be more well-versed and better able to hold conversations with people.
people. Specifically, your friends and family. Make sure you enjoy your time with them. When you look back at your life, you will wish that you spent more time with those that you love and those that made you happy.
your hobbies. The things you love to do. Even if those things aren’t making you money or stimulating your mind. If they bring your joy and happiness and are not harmful, go for it. Our hobbies are usually creative outlets, stress relievers, or both. So, make sure to find a hobby and indulge in it from time to time.
exercising and eating healthily. You can have an amazing workout in just 45 minutes. Take care of your body. Whether that means cooking most days for yourself or meal prepping. (Meal prepping is when you cook all your meals for the week in one day).
fun. Let loose every once in a while. Have that drink, even get drunk if you want. Go out and party. Just do things that will allow you to have a good time. You deserve it!
Don’t Waste Others Time
Just like you should be respectful of your own time and value it, you should be respectful of other people’s time as well. Do not deprive them of their most valuable asset if you don’t need to. There are many ways, in many different life situations and circumstances that somebody’s actions can show they do not value your time. This can be:
- Not asking you if you have a moment before asking you for a favor.
- A co-worker putting unnecessarily meetings on your calendar.
- A friend cancelling plans at the last minute.
- A date ghosting you.
Unfortunately, we will run into situations where others waste our time. The best we can do when this happens is to try to stand our ground and explain to them why what they are doing isn’t right. It won’t always get through to the other person, but it doesn’t mean we should compromise something so valuable.
Still, we should always respect other’s time and set that as the standard. Hopefully, others will follow suit, but even if they don’t, at least we know we are doing the right thing!
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